On 2/6/07, Marco Amadori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Alle 11:03, martedì 6 febbraio 2007, Daniel Baumann ha scritto:
> Gustavo Franco wrote:
> > Do you know if there is a way to build Debian GNU/kFreeBSD Live cd
> > images using live-package's svn tree ?
> unfortunately, it is not that easy (although i have no clue about bsd,
> the live-package modifications would be trivial). the real challenge
> would be, to have some compressed fs running and supported by casper.
Casper uses squashfs, unionfs, /sys/block, udev, klibc, if these tools are
available to KfreeBSD maybe it will work out of the box, otherwise a
replacement (or a clone) for these features is needed.
In other words Casper should be extended to do what Freesbie[0] guys
are doing with their code. AFAIK, there's no squashfs, but there's
unionfs and probably /sys/block and udev can be easily worked around.
I dunno about how to use a klibc replacement but maybe the kFreeBSD
porters can shed some light.
[0] = http://www.freesbie.org
-- stratus