
On Wed, 02 Aug 2006 15:32:13 +0200, John Goerzen wrote:
> If upstream uses darcs or git, you could use their repo directly.
> If they use CVS or SVN, you could use tailor to track it.  If they
> use Arch, you can use arch2darcs to track it.

For a tailor mini-HowTo, please give a look at [1].

Actually, I use a different approach for the three upstream that uses

The first time I generated the darcs -upstream repository, I didn't
include the CVS folders (because anyway it's a lintian error if
they're present in the .orig.tar.gz).  Thus, every time I want to
"import" a CVS version into the darcs -upstream, I do:

  $ cd /path/to/package-upstream
  $ cvs update -d
  $ darcs add [any new files]
  $ darcs record -m "Import upstream $PACKAGE version $DATE
  $ darcs tag -m "UPSTREAM_$PACKAGE_$DATE

Until now it worked without any problem.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/PackagingWithDarcsAndTailor

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