Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Le vendredi 28 juillet 2006 à 17:02 -0300, Otavio Salvador a écrit :
>> The Marketing thing behind Ubuntu works very well and we should
>> learn with them. We have a team to deal with Press and that might work
>> better. Other problem is that most of people that are paid to work on
>> Debian does that in technical side and not to make marketing actions.
> Of course we have a lot to learn from Ubuntu's marketing departement:
> how to "educate" users in believing false claims, how to spread a buzz
> based on nothingness, etc.

I disagree with a lot of things done by Ubuntu but also agree with a
lot of them. I do think we should learn with the good things they did
and also with the bad ones.

Not everything told by  them is true neither false things. As usual,
we should read them carefully but they had done a good job promoting
Linux to a lot of people.

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