also sprach Marc Haber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006.07.10.0930 +0200]:
> >eh no. Standard greylisting practise nowadays (it already was
> >standard when sarge was released) is to not greylist on host IP
> >but at least on the /27 netblock.
> So you will whitelist the spamming customer in the same rack farm
> than your bona fide communications partner.

That's better than not greylisting anyone. Nobody is trying to
design the perfect spam filter. We just want to reduce spam on

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author:
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
"prisons are built with stones of law,
 brothels with bricks of religion."
                                                      -- william blake

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