At 1147084722 past the epoch, Jamie Jones wrote: > G'day Jon, Hello! (nice hostname btw)
> How does this compare to Zennode ( > ) ? or glBSP ( > and .debs are > )for > node building ? glBSP is a derivation of BSP which implements an extension (backwards-compatible) to the original doom BSP spec which makes GL-powered doom derivations work better. There are 6 (I believe) such derivations, one of which is in Debian (but is not supplied with GL support), two of which could be, the other 3 of which are non-DFSG free. Zennode is a separate implementation of a BSP calculator for Doom. Some people get better results with zennode than BSP and vice/versa: It seems to be a matter of taste which to use. I was not aware of an effort to package glBSP; thank you for pointing it out. I shall contact the packager to determine whether he has any ambition for glbsp to enter main. Yours, -- Jon Dowland -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]