> Maybe we could suggest another "editorial change" and revert to the
> previous wording (not everything is software)
> Uh ?

Wouldn't help, as I noted elsewhere.  "Debian is 100% free software" doesn't 
actually leave any room for non-software in Debian.  The previous 
"interpretation" was something which it simply can't mean in English.

What you want is a GR which changes it to what you want it to say, such as 
"The computer programs in Debian will remain 100% free software".

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE propose such a GR. Then we'd get a real 
count of how many people believe that the DFSG should apply only to programs 
and how many think they should apply to everything in Debian.  We haven't had 
such a count yet because the "DFSG should apply only to programs" people have 
not been willing or able to actually propose a GR which says what they 

Nathanael Nerode  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Theocracy, fascism, or absolute monarchy -- I don't care which it is, I don't 
like it.

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