On 1/11/06, Daniel Ruoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Em Qua, 2006-01-11 às 16:48 +0100, martin f krafft escreveu:
> > What would you like to see?
> I think submitting bugs and patches to the BTS would already be enough.

It was already discussed[0], and there's no consensus on this idea of
"every Ubuntu changeset, a patch in Debian BTS" between DDs. I don't
remember Linspire, Progeny, ... employees doing the same thing so it
makes no sense rant against Canonical only. There's scott's patches
list[1] that sucks IMHO,  and utnubu one[2]. AFAIK, some PTS work was
already done too so we (probably) are listing if there's a ubuntu
patch in every Debian package from qa.d.o. After all, do you still
want annoying automatic bug reports?

We've a lot more volunteers than Canonical, if you want to change the
scenario (and i'm not writing to Daniel only) you should join
utnubu[3] and help, but i think that the "patch" argument is over.
FYI, there's a MOTU effort into Ubuntu to package universe stuff back
to Debian too[4].

[0] = http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2005/12/msg00120.html
[1] = http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/patches/
[2] = http://utnubu.alioth.debian.org/scottish/
[3] = http://utnubu.alioth.debian.org/
[4] = https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributingToDebian

Gustavo Franco

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