[Ingo Juergensmann]
> Although it was discussed several times, I have still no idea how those
> users should be counted? 

Two ideas.

 - Get them to install popularity-contest.  This will make their
   machine show up on popcon.debian.org, and we would assume there are
   users of the given machine.  Not very accurate, as machines !=
   individuals.  Easy to fool, but I believe we should assume people
   are honest.

 - Set up a wiki page, and get people to put up their name and mail
   address (perhaps slightly obfuscated to make it harder for address
   harwesters), and count the number of names on the page.  When the
   count is reached, send email to all the addresses asking them to
   confirm that the list is correct.  Easy to fool, but I believe we
   should assume people are honest.  If we start to suspect
   non-existing people on the list, we can start asking for GPG

I would recommend the last option myself, but would like all m68k
machines to report to popcon.debian.org too. :)

> Is it intended that a user should mail debian-release to say "Hi!
> I'm using port X!"? I doubt so.

That is probably not necessary, yes. :)

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