
> Is it already used in any package management tools? Or is the debedit 
> GUI currently the only program using the preliminary database?
As far as I know it is hidden deep into synaptic, but I don't know if
the support is currently broken or not. Also there is a cool search
application called "packagesearch" which integrates debtags, apt-cache
and apt-file search -- this one is written by me :-)

> By the way debedit spew some debugging output at me and seems also a bit 
> laggy. Is it still beta? (:
I was unable to find debedit, are you speaking about debtags-edit? I am
not sure if it is still beta, but it is under development by Enrico. And
the version number suggests that it is not stable yet. 
Note that Enrico will hold a talk about debtags at the Debconf.

Greetings Ben

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