On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 04:25:02PM +0200, Benjamin Mesing wrote:
> > You would rather have silence than know why you are being ignored? 
> > Then silence you shall have.
> Well, its the tone that makes the music we use to say here in Germany.
> Certainly there would have been ways to tell Bluefuture that his mail
> was hard to read/understand without becoming offensive.

That would have been too easy.... 
asuffield seems to be a bored person that like starting flame wars by
getting offensive and doing ad hominem attacks with a very arrogant POV. So,
he usually disqualifies himself that way. Unfortunately he's (ab-)using his
@debian.org address for that, which result in a bad reputation of the whole
project. I'd wish the project (or the new DPL) would find a way, that he
won't do more harm to the project in the future.

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      Ingo         \X/        SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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