[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Cutts)  wrote on 17.06.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 16 Jun 1997, Kai Henningsen wrote:
> > I meant the possibility for a customer to request the ISP exim to reject
> > any mail that comes from, say, savetrees.com. You know, what AOL does,
> > except I want individual customers to be able to configure individual
> > lists.
> I don't think that is possible with exim.  There are no facilities for
> individual users to modify which messages are rejected at the SMTP
> conversation level.  They can of course set up exim filters in their
> .forward files to junk anything they don't want, but that of course isn't
> rejecting the mail, technically.

There's no need to actually do that during the SMTP conversation. All that  
is necessary, from the view of those users, is filtering the stuff  

Furthermore, it's not quite as easy - remember, I said MX. The mail  
usually gets forwarded to another host (via UUCP). (Well, there are some  
POP3 users, as well.)

>From reading the docs, I'm optimistic.

MfG Kai

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