On 16 Jun 1997, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

> Ofcourse there also needs to be a file (LocalIP with sendmail) to define
> IP ranges that may use your SMTP host as a relay - for customers that
> use your host as smarthost (Eudora, pegasus, netscape, sendmail null
> clients etc).

Well, exim certainly has the capability to allow relaying from/to certain
IP ranges.  Our major mail server for example has:

sender_net_accept_relay = ""

So that Eudora users within the 131.111 domain can use us as a smarthost.
I tell people that if they want to send mail from outside that domain they
will need to log into the machine using telnet/rlogin/ssh and use an MUA
on the machine itself, or arrange with a more local system to act as a
smarthost while they're not in Cambridge.


T J R Cutts                                           Tel: +44 1223 333596
Dept. of Biochemistry, Tennis Court Rd.,              Fax: +44 1223 766002
Cambridge, CB2 1QW, UK

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