Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What I am saying is that if I sit down and work out all of the 
> implications of a questionable material policy, and nobody else does, I 
> will be presenting research and worked-out logic and the folks who did 
> not want to do the work will be hand-waving. Who do you suppose will win 
> that argument?

> You know full well from Debian history that if one person does the work, 
> they generally get to have it their way.

No, not about things like this.

Regardless, you have three options:

1) Convince the maintainer who filed the ITP not to package it;
2) Convince the ftp-masters not to accept it into the archive;
3) Propose a GR to reject it.

None of these three is really a debian-devel question.  

An entirely separate option is to propose a policy to provide for some
person or persons to be empowered to reject packages on the basis of
their content.  If you want to do that, do it, but I don't think your
threat that somehow whatever you propose will win the necessary
constitutional majority is worth anyone losing sleep over.


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