* John Goerzen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 12:28:20PM -0200, Fernanda Giroleti Weiden wrote:
> > "It is also the type of discussion that deterred me 
> > from becoming involved in Debian for some time."
> > 
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2004/12/msg00011.html
> If our goal is to advance the cause of a Free operating system, then why
> should we be including, in our OPERATING SYSTEM, images that serve no
> useful purpose, and instead alienate millions or billions of people
> worldwide?  How does this advance our stated priorities: our users and
> Free Software?  Does anyone seriously think that we are being a
> disservice to users because we don't have porn integrated into the
> operating system?  Does anyone seriously think that including these
> particular images would be such an overwhelming benefit?

I agree with this and is why I was suggesting that someone draft up some
language which outlines, for the benefit of our users, things they're
not likely to find in Debian.  I suppose that might end up being too
difficult but I think it'd be good to have some criteria for packages to
pass in order to be accepted which includes issues like these and is
clear enough that our users understand it.


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