On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 07:53:41AM +0100, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> As already written in -women, this is the point which saddens me the
> most in this thread. I'm really disappointed by seeing most
> contributors just not realize why this package, as proposed, is likely
> to hurt the feelings of several women (probably not all, I don't know)
> as well as, indirectly or not, some men.
> I have indeed no intention for objection this package in any
> matter. I'd just hope that the maintainer proposing it realizes that,
> though he personnally doesn't think so, his work may hurt some people.

Yeah, as some other things in Debian hurt some other people. It's a
matter of opinion and inclusion in Debian is not decided on opinion.



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