Scott Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Alexander Koch said:
> > 2.0.30 has some problems, undoubtedly. I don't know if they're all fixed 
> > with
> > 2.0.30-6 (it works perfectly fine here) but a usual 2.0.30 is poison...
> I've been following this discussion for a while now, and would like someone to
> explain what's wrong with 2.0.30.

Layman's observation:

On systems having low memory (4 to 8MB RAM) under some conditions the
kernel has problems finding a free page (it prints "cannot get free
page"). Sometimes the system recovers, sometimes a program is killed,
and sometimes the kernel hangs. The probabability for the latter
option and the frequency for the other two grows with having less
memory; so a system with 4MB RAM is unusable even if enough swap is

Above I mention "some conditions": one of them is the creation of a
file system as it is done in a fresh installation. So installing
Debian tends to not work on system having less than 6 MB RAM due to
this kernel bug.
Sven Rudolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; WWW :

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