"Boris D. Beletsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>>>>>> On 21 May 1997, John Goerzen wrote:
>  Goerzen> Since we know of a number of things that have been broken in
>  Goerzen> 2.0.30 (such as IP masquerading being totally hosed), why
>  Goerzen> are we distributing that version with 1.3? It seems like a
>  Goerzen> rather bad idea because it could very well break the setups
>  Goerzen> of a number of people.
>  Goerzen>
> I agree, I also heard that Ip Masquerading is not the only thing
> that seems to be broken.
> thks,
> borik
> --

While there seems to be consensus on this, it remains a mystery to me,
as we have been running 2.0.30 on our masq box successfully for some
time now.  Am I missing something?  (Maybe this is a reference to a
new version of ipfwadm being required.  If so, can't that be
conspicuously included and advertised in the new distribution?)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Camm Maguire
"The earth is one country, and mankind its citizens."  Baha'u'llah

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