* Jan Niehusmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [041022 11:10]:
> Question to the security team: What's holding back security support for
> sarge? (This is not a complaint - I'm just curious)
There are no autobuilders for testing-security. See the latest release
update http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2004/09/msg00005.html:
| The bad news is that we still do not have an ETA for the
| testing-security autobuilders to be functional.  This continues to be
| the major blocker for proceeding with the freeze; we would /like/ to
| have security support in place for sarge before encouraging widespread
| upgrade woody->sarge upgrade testing, but we /need/ to have it in place
| before releasing, so it would be unwise to try to freeze the rest of the
| archive without any confirmed schedule for the last stages of the
| release.

The good news is that we finalized the toolchain for sarge in the very
last days.

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

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