Re: Re: Bug#203498: ITP: decss -- utility for stripping CSS tags from [Brian 
Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 09:07:19AM -0700, <[EMAIL 
> "I wrote a small utility called "DeCSS" that strips Cascading Style
> Sheet tags from an HTML document. Yes, agreed, that's pretty much
> USELESS, but what the fuck. Maybe somebody wants to do that."
> Why the hell should this be packaged for Debian?

If you have an HTML page generated by M$ Word and want to extract only
the HTML part, you can either remove tons of useless CSS by hand or use
such a utility... However:

It is essentially a Perl-5-liner with glue code:
    $content =~ s%<link.*?rel=\"stylesheet\".*?>%%mg; # Strip stylesheet links
    $content =~ s%<style>.*?</style>%%mg; # Strip <style> blocks
    $content =~ s%style=\".*?\"%%mg; # Strip style attributes
    $content =~ s%class=\".*?\"%%mg; # Strip class attributes
    $content =~ s%id=\".*?\"%%mg; # Strip id attributes

Doesn't this remove strings looking like CSS from ordinary text, too?

Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944

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