>--[Andreas Metzler]--<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Bob Hilliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > glyphs iconv returns? My locale is C. What locale are you using? > [...] > de_AT (uses ISO-8859-1 as charset). > LANG=de_AT, everything else is unset: > *prompt* echo ö§ | env -u LANG iconv -f latin1 -t ascii//TRANSLIT > ?? > *prompt* echo ö§ | env LANG=en_US iconv -f latin1 -t ascii//TRANSLIT > ?? > *prompt* echo ö§ | env LANG=de_AT iconv -f latin1 -t ascii//TRANSLIT > oe? > *prompt* echo ö§ | env LANG=fr_FR iconv -f latin1 -t ascii//TRANSLIT > o? Which shows nothing other than that the transliteration is havily locale dependend. Transliterations that make sense in one locale are simply wrong in other locales. E.g. "a is simply bs in de_*. And while in French it may be fine to strip the accents, in German it is not, you have to add an e. In other words, what recode does is creating some sorts of replacement characters which are often wrong, while iconv will give you question marks if there's nothing it can do. Btw in the example the -f latin1 is not only superfluous but wrong, because it'll stop doing what you think it does when you happen not to use ISO-8859-1 as your encoding. -- 100 DM = 51 ¤ 13 ˘. 100 ¤ = 195 DM 58 pf. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.ruediger-kuhlmann.de/