On Wednesday 14 May 2003 04:53 pm, Björn Stenberg wrote:
> What's worse, saying testing is not for public use means there is _no_
> place to get updates, since unstable is obviously not an option for end
> users. This makes Debian the only linux distribution I know of that
> completely eschews software updates between frozen releases (except for
> security fixes).

Hmm.  Funny how myself and every admin I know have only very minor issues with 
running unstable.  What, pray tell, makes it such an 'obvious' non-option for 
end users?  Well-timed unstable snapshots are often more 'stable' than 
commercial Linux releases, in my limited experience.

Sure, every now and then a badly-broken package makes it in for a day or two.  
This seems to be far less harmful than the massive headache that treating 
'testing' as a usable release seems to be causing.

> The amount of backporting and apt-pinning going on suggests not all Debian
> end users are content with yearly updates. A testing-like "middle ground"
> release for end users definitely has a place in the Debian universe.

I do like the sound of this, but saying it has a place and actually making it 
happen are very different things.  There seems to be a lot of the former, and 
little of the latter - perhaps because unstable actually works just fine for 
the majority of people actually working on it?

Just a guess, from my limited perspective.

 - Keegan

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