I'm in Debian also because I like cooperative work and I hope Debian
Project is not a competition, but I had to change my opinion because I
did not receive respect from new maintainer Ari Pollak; and Debian did
not receive any respect too.

I maintain logjam (a client for livejournal web site services) package
from its old development as loserjabber. I worked with upstream author
in past, for example suggesting the use of dynamic linking (dlopen) to
avoid forcing users to have xmms installed to install

I know that I could not make work on debian packages in last months...
or better I tried to work even if I had a few spare time so I didn't
make any upload. But I'm not MIA, I have continued following and writing
to the lists and handling BTS things as more as I could do.

Ari wrote to me in the end of october to ask me about my intention about
logjam packaging. I had an enormous backlog and I could not be able to
reply. Then he filed a wishlist bug report (#166993) for the new
upstream release for logjam (4.0.0). Upstream web site
(http://logjam.danga.com) reports that 4.0.0 is released on 29 Oct 2002.
Bug report was sent on 29 Oct 2002 (!).

On 17 Nov 2002 Ari made a NMU for logjam 4.0.0+cvs.2002.11.17 and
another one a few days after that date, IIRC, without a note to me.
I was handling bugs for logjam, as you can see in BTS (#165281). Build
failure reported by Junichi Uekawa in that bug was actually a
libcurl-dev bug (#169654). I reported and maintainer closed with an

So Ari made the NMU only to close a not so old wishlist bug filed by
himself, faking to close #165281 with his upload. No bug for it against
logjam and instead he closed it with an unuseful "New upstream version"
entry in changelog. I was not MIA and he didn't write any note to me
about his proposal for an NMU. Then he changed to a cvs version, while I
have always packaged stable released version. No notes about it too.
Then he did not follow our guidelines for NMU, because he uploaded
directly to incoming and not to the 7-DAYS delayed queue, so I couldn't
stop his NMU.

Maybe I forgot something... maybe this episode could be seen as not so
important but it hit me strongly, in particular from the point of view
of my idea about Our Project and Our Work.

I don't know if I'll take care further of logjam debian packages.

Thanks for your attention.

Christian Surchi, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   ICQ     
www.debian.org - www.softwarelibero.it - www.firenze.linux.it    | 38374818
Friction is a drag.

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