Hello, On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 07:15:53PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote: > Sean Neakums wrote: > > How about listing packages that are orphaned on DWN once, when it > > happens, with a pointer to the full list of orphaned packages? > > Something like: > > > > Three packages were orphaned this week: blah, blorp and foop, > > bringing the total to xxx. Please see > > http://debian.org/wherever/the/list/lives for the full list. > > > > seems suitable for a user-oriented newsletter. > > You are invited to provide such information on a regular basis > phrased similar to the recently added packages item. > > That's not said to stop you.
Getting the information is really easy: there are these "Work-needing packages report for ..." posts to debian-devel-announce, which contain all necessary information. Seemingly it can even be extracted automatically: if I feed the message "Work-needing packages report for Dec 21, 2001" into the following AWK script #! /usr/bin/awk -f /^Total number of orphaned packages: / { total=$NF } /^The following packages are orphaned:$/ { active=1; count=0; } /^The following packages are up for adoption:$/ { active=0 } /^\[NEW\] [^ ]* \(/ { if (! active) next; count = count + 1; packages[count] = $2; } END { if (count == 0) { print "No packages were orphaned this week,"; printf "leaving %d orphaned packages. Please see\n", total } else { if (count == 1) { printf "One package was orphaned this week: %s,\n", packages[1]; } else if (count == 2) { printf "Two packages were orphaned this week: %s and %s,\n", packages[1], packages[2]; } else { printf "%d packages were orphaned this week: %s", count, packages[1]; for (i=2; i<count; ++i) printf ", %s", packages[i]; printf ", and %s,\n", packages[count]; } printf "bringing the total to %d. Please see\n", total } printf "http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ for the full list.\n" } I get Two packages were orphaned this week: kdoc and ssh-nonfree, bringing the total to 106. Please see http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ for the full list. Maybe this could even be used in conjunction with procmail. Jochen -- Omm (0)-(0) http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~wwwstoch/voss/privat.html
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