On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 05:45:08PM +0000, Sean Neakums wrote:
> begin  Adam Olsen quotation:
> > On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 09:18:55AM -0800, John H. Robinson, IV wrote:
> >> keeping the community updated is a nice thing, this is why so very few
> >> of our lists have closed subscriptions. using DWN as a forum for _this_
> >> purpose i believe is bad.
> > 
> > Perhaps.  Certainly, DWN isn't just for developers, so it's a bit off
> > topic there.  However, posting packages that have gone unmaintained
> > for a long time, and which we're not planning on removing completely,
> > would get a response if it was actually used by somebody.
> How about listing packages that are orphaned on DWN once, when it
> happens, with a pointer to the full list of orphaned packages?
> Something like:
>   Three packages were orphaned this week: blah, blorp and foop,
>   bringing the total to xxx.  Please see
>   http://debian.org/wherever/the/list/lives for the full list.
> seems suitable for a user-oriented newsletter.

I agree.  Although we should perhaps have a second mailing to
debian-devel listing packages that have been unmaintained for a while,
and are getting old enough to remove.

Adam Olsen, aka Rhamphoryncus

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