Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Second, your example seems totally fabricated.  If there were a
> > plausible enterprise--ANYONE--who was seriously planning on using this
> > engine to make free levels that don't depend on id's nonfree stuff,
> > then I'd buy your argument.  But there really is no credible effort
> > out there to do this; not because there is no package in Debian, but
> > because it's a considerable venture and hasn't garnered interest.
> Fabricated!? You really want to underestimate the free software
> community? We have a whole freaking OS free, and you don't think anyone
> will put in the effort to make one a game?

Maybe they will!  That would be great.  But I just don't see any
actual effort out there, and it's been possible for a long time now.

> Well I'm not. It's taking the easy route. Dropping it into contrib and
> saying "you need to buy the data files from Id to use this" is a cop
> out, IMNSHO. Put it out there as a game development platform, which is
> _what it is_ and get the correct movement going.


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