> Package: gsfonts
> Version: 4.01-2
> Gs fonts are installed under usr/lib/ghostscript/4.01/fonts. There are two
> problems with this:
>   1. Fonts are machine independent files that should be shared (in 
> /usr/share).

Could you (or somebody else on this list) point me to some text that
details this rule? My /usr/share is next to empty, while /usr/lib
contains _lot's_ of system-independand files (pgp, samba, texmf, zoneinfo,...).

I don't mean I don't like the idea of having arch indep stuff in /usr/share,
it's just that if I do it, I would like to follow the guidelines any other

>   2. Gs fonts are regular PostScript fonts, not tied to a given version of
>      gs, so they should be under ghostscript/fonts, not 
> ghostscript/4.01/fonts.

OK, I'll move this. I done it because gs-3.53 (by default) puts it in
ghostscript/$VERSION/fonts, but if you (and someone else, too) prefers
them in ghostscript/fonts, I'll move them.


joost witteveen
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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