Is there a mixer available that supports the advanced mixing features of the emu10k1 chip (found on Soundblaster Live) ?
The only one I know is 'dm', a little but very usefull command line tool. As it's not yet in debian, I will ITP it if there are no alternatives. There is another point I'm not sure about: dm is part of the emu10k1-driver-package from This package contains some other tools. Although I don't use these tools, and I don't know much about them, I think they should be packaged together with dm in a package called emu10k1-utils or something like that. On the other hand, as I don't even know how to use these tools, it's not clear to me if they are working. As Soundblaster Live is a fairly common soundcard, I wonder why there are so few tools to use it's features. Being able to route sound from any of it's inputs to any output independently is a great thing. And having a programmable DSP should be even greater to people who need it. Jan -- OpenPGP-signierte bzw. -verschlüsselte Mail erwünscht EMail-Key: 1024D/F12DA065 (=> Keyserver oder auf Anfrage)