On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:14:12PM +1000, Daniel Stone wrote:
> Let me restate the facts. Again. Very slowly.
> ftp.au.debian.org was broken.
> mirror.aarnet.edu.au was broken.
> Both of the above had outdated packages, for their Packages file.
> The kernel packages take up 110meg.
> More megabytes, more stress.
> More stress, more chance of breaking.

Why don't you mail these site's admins and find out the real reason of them
breaking rather than guessing?

> It's simple. You create a monster like this, you are helping (read: helping.
> not solely causing. helping. don't misquote me yet again) to create more
> stress on mirrors. Which makes them more likely to break. Like ftp.au.d.o
> and mirror.aarnet for the last 3 days (finally fixed tonight).

It's hardly the biggest package directory in Debian.  With the latest
version, it's even smaller than a few documentation packages.
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Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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