Le dimanche 23 janvier 2005 à 10:14 +0100, Alexander Schmehl a écrit :
>  PlanetPenguin Racer is a simple OpenGL racing game featuring Tux, the Linux
>  mascot. The goal of the game is to slide down a snow- and ice-covered
>  mountain as quickly as possible, avoiding the trees and rocks that will
>  slow you down.
>  .
>  It is based on the GPL version of TuxRacer.
> Oliver, as the current maintainer of tuxracer.  Would you like to
> comment an my intentions?  Any hints or usefull suggestions?

If this is a fork and tuxracer has gone non-free, why not simply move
the Debian packages to use planetpenguin racer ?
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
`. `'                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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