On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 18:44:16 -0800, Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I hope that at least the cupsys maintainer will close this bug without
>mangling the package in this fashion; there's no reason to have the cupsys
>server package installed if you're not going to use it as a server.

I disagree. I have a number of server packages installed on my
personal laptop for the sake of having the docs with me. I am,
however, fine with using update-rc.d or $EDITOR /etc/runlevel.conf[1]
to accomplish this.

My beef is that I want to be able to prevent a newly installed
package's postinst from starting the service (for example, because I
know that the service needs configuration before it can be started for
the first time, or because I know that this service is probably never
going to run on this installation).


[1] Thanks, Roland, for file-rc, which is really great

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