在 2017年7月9日星期日 CST 下午3:37:54,Zach Williams 写道:
> Hi
> My OS is Debian Stretch (64bit) with Gnome DE.
> I wish to use ibus-pinyin to type Chinese characters and the packages named
> below were installed:
> ibus-pinyin
> libpyzy-1.0-0v5
> pinyin-database
> An icon called Input Method appeared on the list of installed software. I
> clicked on it and a window titled Input Method Configuration (im-config,
> ver. 0.30-1) popped up with the contents as follows:
> Current configuration for the input method:
>  * Active configuration: ibus (normally missing)
>  * Normal automatic choice: ibus (normally ibus or fcitx or uim)
>  * Override rule: zh_CN,ibus:zh_TW,ibus:zh_HK,ibus:zh_SG,ibus
>  * Current override choice:  (en_US)
>  * Current automatic choice: ibus
>  * Number of valid choices: 2 (normally 1)
> The override rule is defined in /etc/default/im-config.
> The configuration set by im-config is activated by re-starting X.
> Explicit selection is not required to enable the automatic configuration if
> the active one is default/auto/cjkv/missing. Available input methods: ibus
> xim
> Unless you really need them all, please make sure to install only one input
> method tool.
> There were two buttons: Cancel and OK. I clicked OK.
> Another window popped up with the below contents:
> Do you explicitly select the user configuration?
>  * Select NO, if you do not wish to update it. (recommended)
>  * Select YES, if you wish to update it.
> There were two buttons: No and Yes. I clicked Yes.
> A third window popped up:
> "Select user configuration. The user configuration supersedes the system
> one."
> There were 7 radio buttons to choose from. I clicked the radio button called
> ibus. Next, I clicked OK.
> A fourth window popped up:
> Setting the user configuration /home/belleville/.xinputrc to ibus.
> Manual configuration selects: ibus
> Intelligent Input Bus (IBus)
>  * Required for all: ibus
>  * Language specific input conversion support:
>    * Japanese: ibus-mozc (best) or ibus-anthy or ibus-skk
>    * Korean: ibus-hangul
>    * Simplified Chinese: ibus-pinyin or ibus-sunpinyin or ibus-googlepinyin
>    * Traditional Chinese: ibus-chewing
>    * Thai: ibus-table-thai
>    * Vietnamese: ibus-unikey or ibus-table-viqr
>    * X Keyboard emulation: ibus-xkbc
>    * Generic keyboard translation table: ibus-m17n or ibus-table* packages
>  * Application platform support:
>    * GNOME/GTK+: ibus-gtk and ibus-gtk3 (both)
>    * KDE/Qt: ibus-qt4
>    * Clutter: ibus-clutter
>    * EMACS: ibus-el
> The user configuration is modified by im-config.
> Restart the X session to activate the new user configuration.
> If a daemon program for the previous configuration is re-started by the X
> session manager, you may need to kill it manually with kill(1). See
> im-config(8) and /usr/share/doc/im-config/README.Debian.gz for more.
> For the last time, I clicked the OK button. No more windows popped up.
> I rebooted my machine.
> After I re-logged in to Debian Stretch, there is no keyboard icon on the top
> right corner of the screen (in Debian Wheezy there is one.) I tried
> Ctrl+Space or Windows+Space to no avail.
> Thanks for your help.
> Zach

First of all, you are encouraged to write Chinese in this maillist. 
Nevertheless English is acceptable.

To set up a proper environment on Debian for an Input Method Framework like 
ibus, "im-config" is needed of course but that is not everything. Some extra 
configurations might be necessary too based on the DE you are using.

You are recommended to uninstall other input methods like fcitx and remove any 
customized instructions about environment variable exporting inside ~/.bashrc, 
~/.profile, ~/.xprofile etc in advance if there's any, to prevent any 
interference coming from third party configurations.

You are recommended to set your locale to zh_CN.UTF-8 for a complete 
(Simplified) Chinese environment.

You need to install a complete set of ibus. As previously said in the mail 
according to the output of im-config, extra packages like ibus-qt4, ibus-gtk, 
ibus-gtk3 and many more packages should be installed in advance. I also 
noticed that you did not install the "ibus" package, which should be fixed. You 
also need to install at least one concrete input method for Chinese, like 
ibus-pinyin(DEPRECATED AND NOT RECOMMENDED), ibus-libpinyin or ibus-rime.

Now that you are using GNOME Shell, please reboot the system after previous 
installation and check GNOME Control Center for the settings for locale and 
languages. You must select the IM source from the list. For example, select "汉
语 (Intellegent Pinyin)" if you installed ibus-libpinyin. Then rerun im-config 
and select ibus. Read all instructions *again* and install any missing 

Reboot again and you should notice an icon on the top-right corner for IM. Use 
super+space to switch between different IMs.

I tested this procedure on my laptop running Debian Testing. You are 
encouraged to test by yourself and read articles about contemporary setup of 
ibus on new GNOME Shell, say GNOME 3.24 or later, which is pretty different 
from earlier version of GNOME Shell.

There are other noteworthy articles about IBus around the Internet, like this 
one on Arch Wiki ( https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/IBus ). Arch Linux is 
slightly different from Debian but most of the contents should be applicable.

Boyuan Yang

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