2017-07-09 23:37 GMT+08:00 Zach Williams <zesw2...@yahoo.com>:
> Hi
> My OS is Debian Stretch (64bit) with Gnome DE.
> I wish to use ibus-pinyin to type Chinese characters and the packages named 
> below were installed:
> ibus-pinyin
> libpyzy-1.0-0v5
> pinyin-database
> An icon called Input Method appeared on the list of installed software. I 
> clicked on it and a window titled Input Method Configuration (im-config, ver. 
> 0.30-1) popped up with the contents as follows:
> Current configuration for the input method:
>  * Active configuration: ibus (normally missing)
>  * Normal automatic choice: ibus (normally ibus or fcitx or uim)
>  * Override rule: zh_CN,ibus:zh_TW,ibus:zh_HK,ibus:zh_SG,ibus
>  * Current override choice:  (en_US)
>  * Current automatic choice: ibus
>  * Number of valid choices: 2 (normally 1)
> The override rule is defined in /etc/default/im-config.
> The configuration set by im-config is activated by re-starting X.
> Explicit selection is not required to enable the automatic configuration if 
> the active one is default/auto/cjkv/missing.
> Available input methods: ibus xim
> Unless you really need them all, please make sure to install only one input 
> method tool.
> There were two buttons: Cancel and OK. I clicked OK.
> Another window popped up with the below contents:
> Do you explicitly select the user configuration?
>  * Select NO, if you do not wish to update it. (recommended)
>  * Select YES, if you wish to update it.
> There were two buttons: No and Yes. I clicked Yes.
> A third window popped up:
> "Select user configuration. The user configuration supersedes the system one."
> There were 7 radio buttons to choose from. I clicked the radio button called 
> ibus. Next, I clicked OK.
> A fourth window popped up:
> Setting the user configuration /home/belleville/.xinputrc to ibus.
> Manual configuration selects: ibus
> Intelligent Input Bus (IBus)
>  * Required for all: ibus
>  * Language specific input conversion support:
>    * Japanese: ibus-mozc (best) or ibus-anthy or ibus-skk
>    * Korean: ibus-hangul
>    * Simplified Chinese: ibus-pinyin or ibus-sunpinyin or ibus-googlepinyin
>    * Traditional Chinese: ibus-chewing
>    * Thai: ibus-table-thai
>    * Vietnamese: ibus-unikey or ibus-table-viqr
>    * X Keyboard emulation: ibus-xkbc
>    * Generic keyboard translation table: ibus-m17n or ibus-table* packages
>  * Application platform support:
>    * GNOME/GTK+: ibus-gtk and ibus-gtk3 (both)
>    * KDE/Qt: ibus-qt4
>    * Clutter: ibus-clutter
>    * EMACS: ibus-el
> The user configuration is modified by im-config.
> Restart the X session to activate the new user configuration.
> If a daemon program for the previous configuration is re-started by the X 
> session manager, you may need to kill it manually with kill(1).
> See im-config(8) and /usr/share/doc/im-config/README.Debian.gz for more.
> For the last time, I clicked the OK button. No more windows popped up.
> I rebooted my machine.
> After I re-logged in to Debian Stretch, there is no keyboard icon on the top 
> right corner of the screen (in Debian Wheezy there is one.) I tried 
> Ctrl+Space or Windows+Space to no avail.
> Thanks for your help.
> Zach

Well, I believe a post in Chinese would help you more. And, if you use
Telegram, there is a Debian-Chinese group where lots of people discuss
topics related to Debian every day (in Chinese :)

