On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 02:59:21PM +0200, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> I'm really sorry, but I just noticed that the file somehow got broken:
> $ file -i 2011-05-24-mirror-china-final.wml
> 2011-05-24-mirror-china-final.wml: text/plain charset=iso-8859-1

GBK, in fact.

> Trying to add it to the website produces just garbage.  Could you resend
> it to me utf-8 encoded?  Maybe gzip it before attaching it, so our mail
> programs won't try to be helpfuly by "fixing" encodings.

I converted it to utf-8 and gzipped it. See attached.

Guanhao Yin

Attachment: 2011-05-24-mirror-china-final.wml.gz
Description: 2011-05-24-mirror-china-final.wml.gz
