2008/6/15 Ji ZhengYu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Star Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Everyone, I'm sorry to ask this silly question here. I'm now using the
> > microsoft live messenger, live spaces and hotmail as my IM, blog and
> email
> > service provider, because i'm a windows user for a so long time. Two
> weeks
> > before, I installed debian etch and lenny, and i like it very much. I'd
> like
> > to get your opinions about which IM, blog and email services which suits
> > debian best. Thanks!
> >
> IM: pidgin 2.4.2
> Blog: I don't use it
> Email: gmail (strongly recommended)
> And I think you'd like to download source of pidgin 2.4.2 and install it,
> for the pidgin in etch (or lenny) is out-of-date, what's more, that will
> install many many plugins which you never use.
> --
> Regards,
> G
As far as I know, lenny, the current testing release, simply doesn't provide
latest version of any packages, because they are allowed to enter this
distribution only after a certain period of time has passed.

To get pidgin 2.4.2 via apt-get or aptitude, simple try to add an 'unstable'
in your sources list,
then run apt-get update and apt-get install pidgin to get 2.4.2, and remove
the 'unstable' item from the sources list afterwards.


