Hi, Lucas Feliciano wrote: > I'm unable to look for the netinst image distro for the 7.9.0 version
It is available as Jigdo files: https://cdimage.debian.org/mirror/cdimage/archive/7.9.0/amd64/jigdo-cd/debian-7.9.0-amd64-netinst.jigdo https://cdimage.debian.org/mirror/cdimage/archive/7.9.0/amd64/jigdo-cd/debian-7.9.0-amd64-netinst.template (Replace "amd64" by "i386", "armel", "s390", etc. as needed.) Not so long ago, i tested the Jigdo download procedure as of these three consequtive paragraphs: https://wiki.debian.org/JigdoOnLive#Install_package_jigdo-file https://wiki.debian.org/JigdoOnLive#If_needed.2C_work_around_a_shortcoming_of_older_jigdo-lite https://wiki.debian.org/JigdoOnLive#Download_one_or_more_Jigdo_ISOs The Jigdo file tells jigdo-lite to look for the packages of the netinst ISO on http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20150905T143449Z/ http://us.cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/snapshot/Debian/ So they must be reachable. Werner Scharinger wrote: > https://cdimage.debian.org/mirror/cdimage/archive/7.9.0-live/amd64/iso-hybr id/ Although there are ready-to-use .iso files, which spares the run of jigdo-lite, i dimly remember that the Live ISOs had a time range when they messed up installations. Dunno whether 7.9.0 was affected. Have a nice day :) Thomas