On 2015-11-12 15:58:03, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> As per the discussions during debconf, to be called "official", the
> images have to be built:
> - directly from an unmodified stable
> - with reproducibility on any Debian computer (ie: no need for any
> external infrastructure access)

I don't think we reached any consensus in relation to the last point but I'm
not going to argue about it right now.
What I'd like to point out is that I don't think that right now it's possible
to build images for all cloud providers outside their infrastructure.


> Best would also be if the images could be built together with the rest
> of the debian-cd infrastructure.

but this need more work on our (cloud team) side

On 2015-11-12 16:01:50, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Unfortunately, "driven by technological necessity", or the size of
> changes, isn't a point of argumentation (see my previous mail). All of
> the packages must be taken from stable, unchanged, and if some are taken
> from backports, this must be explicit, and the image shouldn't be called
> "stable Debian". Official, yes, but not stable (maybe stable + some
> backports would be ok...).

Official Debian Cloud Image for [put your cloud provider] or just simply
Official Debian Cloud Image

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