Hi all, as announced during DebConf15 and in <55d03d49.1030...@debian.org> and <CABHrTiLStCxKURwMQ0gvUdfz3dDQHdwr1UGoYosJuFhz1-E-=w...@mail.gmail.com> Microsoft contracted credativ to build and maintain Debian images for their public cloud infrastructure "Microsoft Azure". Microsoft intends to endorse Debian and provide support for Debian Jessie and Wheezy images.
In the past months credativ setup infrastructure to automatically build and publish Debian Jessie and Wheezy images. The build process consists of a published set of tools that automate everything from building to uploading of images.[1] It is conducted using a public accessible Jenkins instance.[2] The image build process uses a fork of the current OpenStack image build script, which we intend to merge back to upstream. This script is included in our tool set. There are two modifications to a standard Debian Jessie/Wheezy image: - isc-dhcp is imported from -proposed-updates to include a bugfix.[3] - waagent in included in version 2.0 on request of Microsoft, which can't be provided via backports at the moment.[4] Microsoft works on getting version 2.1 ready for production, this version is currently in Stretch and can be provided via backports at least for Jessie. Additionaly the wheezy image uses the kernel 3.16, initramfs-tools and init-system-helpers from backports. Microsoft itself conducts CI tests of selected images using a published set of tools.[5] Results of this tests are not public. Microsoft would like to use the Debian name and logo to promote those Debian images in the Azure Marketplace.[6] credativ will maintain and enhance those Debian images and Debian developers at credativ will accompany this process. Regards, Bastian Blank and Martin Zobel-Helas [1]: https://gitlab.credativ.com/de/azure-manage [2]: https://debian-manage.cloudapp.net/ [3]: #795227, updated via #800006 and #801201 [4]: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/waldi/waagent.git/log/?h=private-2.0 [5]: https://github.com/Azure/azure-linux-automation [6]: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/ -- Martin Zobel-Helas Technischer Leiter Betrieb Tel.: +49 (2161) 4643-0 Fax: +49 (2161) 4643-100 E-Mail: martin.zobel-he...@credativ.de pgp fingerprint: 6B18 5642 8E41 EC89 3D5D BDBB 53B1 AC6D B11B 627B http://www.credativ.de credativ GmbH, HRB Mönchengladbach 12080 USt-ID-Nummer: DE204566209 Hohenzollernstr. 133, 41061 Mönchengladbach Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Meskes, Jörg Folz, Sascha Heuer
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