Steve McIntyre pisze:
> Hi folks,
> It's probably time for a quick update on what we've been up to
> lately in terms of producing Debian CD and DVD and (!) BD images.
> That will give the game away for the biggest change that has happened
> lately - we're now producing some Blu-ray images alongside the
> existing CD and DVD images with each weekly Lenny build. As a standard
> Blu-ray disc will hold up to 25GB of data, that means that, for the
> first time in several years, users should be able to fit all of the
> packages for one architecture on a single disc. Woo!
> The downside of adding yet another image type is that potentially we
> could use up huge amounts more disk space and bandwidth on our central
> servers and our mirrors to accommodate them. What I've done,
> therefore, is start imposing limits on which images we will produce
> each week and with Lenny when it ships. What we now have is (in
> increasing order of size):
>  * Business card and netinst CDs for all architectures (except s390),
>    available for download as ISO, torrent and jigdo. As for Etch,
>    we'll also have 2 multi-arch netinst CDs (i386/amd64/powerpc and
>    alpha/hppa/ia64).
>  * Full CD sets for all architectures:
>    + i386, amd64 and source will all be available for download as ISO,
>      torrent and jigdo
>    + for powerpc we will create ISOs/torrents for the first 8 CDs
>      only (with the rest as jigdo)
>    + for other architectures we'll have ISOs/torrents for the first 3
>      CDs only (rest as jigdo)
>  * Full DVD sets for all architectures:
>    + i386, amd64 and source will all be available for download as ISO,
>      torrent and jigdo
>    + for other architectures we'll have ISOs/torrents for the first 1
>      DVD only (rest as jigdo)
>    + again, the show giveaway DVD: multi-arch i386/amd64/powerpc/source
>      containing as much as will fit on a single DVD
>  * BD for 3 architectures:
>    + Single images available for i386, amd64 and source, *jigdo only*
> There's scope for more options here; we could do a multi-arch
> i386/amd64 BD image if desired, and that would fit on a dual-layer
> disc. Other architectures are possible on BD, *except* powerpc is
> problematic: the genisoimage code to produce the hybrid ISO9660/HFS
> filesystem needed for powerpc fails utterly on such a large image.
> Some stats might help here, too. Currently we're looking at a *lot* of
> potential images for each full set, and this explains why we're
> starting to cut down now!
>                     CD         DVD         BD
>     alpha           31          5           1 
>     amd64           34          5           1
>     arm             30          4           1
>     armel           31          5           1
>     hppa            30          5           1
>     i386            33          5           1
>     ia64            35          5           1
>     mips            32          5           1
>     mipsel          32          5           1
>     multi-arch       0          1           1
>     powerpc         34          5           1
>     s390            32          5           1
>     source          28          4           1
>     sparc           32          5           1
>     -----------------------------------------
>     TOTAL          414         64          13
> Daniel Baumann nd the rest of the debian-live team are also working on
> official live images that we'll release with Lenny for the first
> time. I've got some ideas of what he's planning in terms of options,
> but I'll let him tell you in more detail (nudge, nudge *grin*).
> If you have any questions about what I've mentioned here, or any
> suggestions on other things we could/should be doing (such as the
> numbers of ISOs we're making for your pet architecture), please bring
> them up on the debian-cd list.
> We're also going to be looking for testers very soon to help us verify
> the d-i RC1 and Lenny releases. If you'd like to help, please let us
> know.
> Cheers,

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