On Wednesday 15 October 2008, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>  * Full CD sets for all architectures:
>    + i386, amd64 and source will all be available for download as ISO,
>      torrent and jigdo
>    + for powerpc we will create ISOs/torrents for the first 8 CDs
>      only (with the rest as jigdo)
>    + for other architectures we'll have ISOs/torrents for the first 3
>      CDs only (rest as jigdo)
>  * Full DVD sets for all architectures:
>    + i386, amd64 and source will all be available for download as ISO,
>      torrent and jigdo
>    + for other architectures we'll have ISOs/torrents for the first 1
>      DVD only (rest as jigdo)
>    + again, the show giveaway DVD: multi-arch i386/amd64/powerpc/source
>      containing as much as will fit on a single DVD

I agree completely with the necessity of doing this and thanks for adding 
the option to set separate limits for jigdo versus iso in debian-cd.

One consequence is that we will need to update the website to inform users 
about this, both end users and CD vendors.

For CD vendors we should IMO mention that they still can sell full CD sets 
for any architecture if they like. I also think it may be a good idea to 
provide a recommendation on [1] to offer both partial sets and full sets 
as I think currently quite a few vendors still only sell full CD sets.

For users I think it would be good to have some explanation that ISOs are 
partial sets with links to both an explanation and a link to the full 
jigdo set on the download pages themselves (e.g. [2]). Maybe that means 
we should start generating download pages as HTML?

New script for easy CD building
Yesterday I added a new script 'easy-build.sh' in the debian-cd SVN 
repository. This is a wrapper around the existing build.sh script 
intended to make it a lot easier to build specific (sets of) images.

It's useful both for building custom images (e.g. for derived 
distributions) and to build images for testing (e.g. for D-I testing or 
pre-release testing [3]).

The script supports multi-arch, selection of gnome/kde/xfce as default 
desktop environment, use of custom packages and D-I images and much more.
Please see the README.easy-build file for documentation.

If you do any CD building, please give it a try. If you have any comments 
on the script, please mail the debian-cd list.


[1] http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/info
[2] http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/hppa/iso-cd/ 
[3] debian-cd now also supports including packages from

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