Hi Szaka,

No, this does unfortunately not make Vista boot for me. :-(

On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 04:03 +0200, Szakacsits Szabolcs wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you please try this after running ntfsresize and before booting 
> Vista:
>   dd if=<PARTITION> bs=512 count=1 | dd of=<PARTITION> seek=<LAST_SECTOR>
> where <LAST_SECTOR> is the last sector on <PARTITION>. It can be calculated 
> by running 
>   sfdisk -d <DISK> | grep <PARTITION> 
> and then by subtracting 1 from the value of 'size'.
> Please let me know if this makes Vista boot or not. 
> Thanks,
>       Szaka
Andree Leidenfrost
@ Debian Developer
Sydney - Australia

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