Control: tag -1 pending

Niels Thykier <> (2025-01-04):
> The switch has already been flipped (dpkg/1.22.13).

I knew I should have skipped that part, as quickly skimming for “root”
didn't turn up a hit on R³ obviously… :) (Hindsight, always 20/20.)

> Note it can in theory also cause wrong ownership in produced artifacts.
> Anything build by `dh_builddeb` will be sanitized correctly, but as I recall
> `debian-installer` does an extra non-deb artifact, which might want some
> review for builds *without* this patch (it might leak the building users
> name/uid into tarballs, etc.).

You're absolutely right. I've just confirmed this by running `tar tf` on
the generated -images tarball, and while *that* doesn't mention uid/gid
information, those are of course encoded in the tarball: `tar tfv` can
be used to verify that. Plenty of “kibi:kibi” in there without the

> With the patch applied, everything should go back to how it was
> previously, since `fakeroot` will reappear where it used to be.

Indeed, back to “root:root” with the MR merged, thanks!

And while I'm not debugging *that* today, I'm still seeing things like
this, so I suppose the combination of the dpkg update + merging the MR
indeed maintains the status quo regarding #1091085:

    libfakeroot internal error: payload not recognized!
    libfakeroot internal error: payload not recognized!

> Super, will do. I was afraid this (like shim) would be a "here be
> dragons", […]

Sorry about that…

Cyril Brulebois (            <>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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