I am well aware of it: this was fixed in latest upload of Eventlet.
Thomas Sent from Workspace ONE Boxer On Sep 20, 2024 6:12 PM, Stefano Rivera <stefa...@debian.org> wrote: Control: notfound -1 aodh/18.0.0-2 Control: reassign -1 python3-eventlet Control: found -1 python3-eventlet/0.36.1-2 Control: affects -1 + src:aodh src:barbican src:keystone src:octavia src:openstack-trove src:python-ceilometermiddleware src:python-engineio src:python-futurist src:python-ironic-lib src:python-os-ken src:python-oslo.log src:python-oslo.messaging src:python-oslo.privsep src:python-oslo.service src:python-oslo.utils src:python-oslo.versionedobjects src:python-oslo.vmware src:python-os-vif src:python-os-win src:swift src:swift-bench src:vitrage src:watcher > I haven't investigated whether this is a failure in aodh or eventlet. > Please reassign if it's not aodh's problem. I've seen enough of these to reassign it. Stefano