Processing control commands:

> notfound -1 aodh/18.0.0-2
Bug #1082354 [src:aodh] FTBFS ImportError: cannot import name 'hubs' from 
partially initialized module 'eventlet'
No longer marked as found in versions aodh/18.0.0-2.
> reassign -1 python3-eventlet
Bug #1082354 [src:aodh] FTBFS ImportError: cannot import name 'hubs' from 
partially initialized module 'eventlet'
Bug reassigned from package 'src:aodh' to 'python3-eventlet'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #1082354 to the same values 
previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1082354 to the same values 
previously set
> found -1 python3-eventlet/0.36.1-2
Bug #1082354 [python3-eventlet] FTBFS ImportError: cannot import name 'hubs' 
from partially initialized module 'eventlet'
The source python3-eventlet and version 0.36.1-2 do not appear to match any 
binary packages
Marked as found in versions python3-eventlet/0.36.1-2.
> affects -1 + src:aodh src:barbican src:keystone src:octavia 
> src:openstack-trove src:python-ceilometermiddleware src:python-engineio 
> src:python-futurist src:python-ironic-lib src:python-os-ken 
> src:python-oslo.log src:python-oslo.messaging src:python-oslo.privsep 
> src:python-oslo.service src:python-oslo.utils 
> src:python-oslo.versionedobjects src:python-oslo.vmware src:python-os-vif 
> src:python-os-win src:swift src:swift-bench src:vitrage src:watcher
Bug #1082354 [python3-eventlet] FTBFS ImportError: cannot import name 'hubs' 
from partially initialized module 'eventlet'
Added indication that 1082354 affects src:aodh, src:barbican, src:keystone, 
src:octavia, src:openstack-trove, src:python-ceilometermiddleware, 
src:python-engineio, src:python-futurist, src:python-ironic-lib, 
src:python-os-ken, src:python-oslo.log, src:python-oslo.messaging, 
src:python-oslo.privsep, src:python-oslo.service, src:python-oslo.utils, 
src:python-oslo.versionedobjects, src:python-oslo.vmware, src:python-os-vif, 
src:python-os-win, src:swift, src:swift-bench, src:vitrage, and src:watcher

Debian Bug Tracking System
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