Norbert Preining <> wrote:

Hi Norbert,

thanks for your feedback.

> > >         # A call to 'mktexlsr' is needed to register the dblatex TeX files
> > >         # in the TeX database '/var/lib/texmf/ls-R-TEXMFMAIN'.
> There is a simple bug here:
> * no dependency on texlive-binaries, which provides mktexlsr

dblatex depends on texlive, which depends on texlive-latex-base, which
depends on texlive-binaries.  Is this indirect dependency too weak?
Would an explicit, direct dependency on texlive-binaries have led to
another apt order in the dist-upgrade?

> Furthermore, it would be much simpler to *NOT* do anything as mktexlsr
> is called automatically (trigger on /usr/share/texmf).

Sorry, didn't know this.

> Since the postinst script does nothing else TeX related, it would be
> the simplest solution to completly drop the code about mktexlsr.

This suggestion renders the discussion above about a direct dependency
on texlive-binaries obsolete.  I would be happy to drop the mktexlsr
calls in postrm/postinst.  In this case the postrm call failed, thus the
fix needs to be applied to *jessie* dblatex, doesn't it?

Regards, Andreas
Andreas Hoenen <>
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