Hi all,

on Wednesday 01 February 2006 22:19, Stephen Gran wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Mark Purcell said:
> > When building kmymoney2, there appears to be a configure dependency on
> > the using doing the build having a home directory.
> >
> > This is OK for individual users building the package, but is playing
> > havoc with such things as the buildd for the 11 architectures which
> > Debian supports.
> >
> > Can the upstream kmymoney team advise why there is this dependency on
> > the home directory being available, and is there an easy work around?
> This looks pretty much like a uic problem, and not a kmymoney problem
> per se.  strace'ing configure (tedious - you get about 6000 files out of
> it) and grep'ing for who is mucking around in home, I see three
> occurences of open's in $HOME, and they are all uic.

From checking the logs Mark send, I see kde-config as another culprite.

The real problem though is, that our configure script does not support 
being called by an absolute path. I changed that in the current CVS HEAD 
version and try to backport it for the next stable release.

How could this be tested upfront?



Thomas Baumgart

[EMAIL PROTECTED]               Check the KMyMoney open source
http://www.net-bembel.de/       project at http://kmymoney2.sf.net/

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