Control: tag -1 -moreinfo +patch


Jamie Heilman wrote:
> > I'm sorry, but I can't reproduce that issue, neither on Sid amd64 or
> > on Sid amd64.
> > 
> > Please use reportbug (or equivalent) to report bugs because without
> > your bug report doesn't contain any meta information about your system
> > (i.e. what release you're using, at which version all of fping's
> > dependencies were at the time of writing, etc.).
> Not relevant information.

I disagree. At the point where I asked the question, this wasn't
necessarily clear, especially if the issue can't be reproduced.

> Here's a patch:
> --- fping-3.12.orig/src/fping.c
> +++ fping-3.12/src/fping.c
> @@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ int handle_random_icmp(FPING_ICMPHDR *p,
>                      addr_ascii, h->host );
>              }
>              else {
> -                print_warning("%s from %s for ICMP Echo sent to %s", 
> icmp_code, addr_ascii, h->host);
> +                print_warning("%s from %s for ICMP Echo sent to %s", 
> icmp_unreach_str[icmp_code], addr_ascii, h->host);
>              }
>              if( inet_addr( h->host ) == INADDR_NONE )

Thanks. Nevertheless I'm still not able to reproduce the issue.

David: Can you reproduce the crash? Do you plan another rather
soon-ish fping release because of that?

> > BTW, what should "fping -a", i.e. without any target do? The man page
> > doesn't mention any default target.
> > 
> > For me it just seems to hang infinitely without any output. (Haven't
> > waited for long, though.) I'd rather expect that either exits
> > immediately and successfully or exits unsuccessfully with an error
> > message stating that at least one target is required.
> What any program that expects input on stdin should do, block and wait
> for the end of file.

David: With this hint I found the place where it's mentioned in the
man page: Under "-f" despite it doesn't need -f. Can you mention that
somewhere else more on the top before the options are listed? Or move
the -f example without -f outside the "-f" item? :-)

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <>,
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, Admin
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