Hi Paul,

On Fri, 2015-08-21 at 13:14 +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Just so everybody can be aware, Graham and me here at Debconf15 have
> been working on a strategy to tackle this and I have been working on and
> off the last couple of days to work on the first track with mild
> success. Graham will hopefully be able to work on the second track when
> he returns home.
> Track 1):
> - Hypothesis: the issue exposes a threading problem in the arm
>   implementation of fpc
> - This track will only help us to get more upstream involvement and
>   maybe solve the issue in experimental
> - This may mean that all the build packages on ARM don't work properly
>   anyways if they use threading
> - Actions1:
>   * Build fpc from the trunk tree (maybe the issue is solved already
>     upstream)
>   * Build lazarus with that
>   * Build a reverse dependency and see that the issue is gone.
> - Actions2:
>   * Run the reverse dependencies on ARM hardware and see if they work
There is already a 3.0.0-RC1 that will be announced this week. So maybe a good
way to go is to package it! This may be a good solution to solve this problem.

> Track 2):
> - Hypothesis: the new lazbuild implementation is broken on arm
> - This track can just be applied in the current unstable but is not
>   sustainable in the future.
> - Actions:
>   * Revert (only) the change in lazbuild
>   * Build a reverse dependency and see that the issue is gone.
I'm more confident about compiler/libs issue rather than a lazbuild issue. My
experiments on abel porter box showed that we can have a working lazbuild just
by recompiling it.

> Track 3):
> - Hypothesis: there is an issue with the current optimization on ARM
>   (maybe this explains why the debugging rebuild of Abou run
>   successfully.)
> - This may be a full solution for Debian
> - Actions:
>   * Rebuild the whole stack with debugging symbols on (this is the
>     default for c programs in Debian anyways)
>   * Rebuild the whole stack with different optimization (on ARM only?)
This could a a valid supposition. In my case I did just recompile lazbuild, I
did not try to build the package nor installing it.

> Question to Abou:
> - how did you build with debugging symbols on?
I did not, at least not forced anything, just apt get sources and then make

> - how did you install your new packages in order to build the package
>   with your new package on the porterbox?
I did not install anything, just call the new/old lazbuild with explicit file
path. I tried several times the command proposed by Graham with a small
$ lazbuild source/ddrescueview.lpi # This hangs
$ ../../lazarus/lazbuild source/ddrescueview.lpi # Works fine

I can reproduce this and send the instructions if needed
Abou Al Montacir

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