On Wed, 29 May 2013 15:18:42 +0200 Micha Lenk wrote:

> The new upstream version ships a new file
> images/license_and_sources_of_icons.txt clarifying the license of the used 
> icon
> files.

Dear Micha,
I noticed this bug report and I want to comment it (in the hope to help
a little).
First of all, I would like to explicitly say that I appreciate that you
are taking this issue seriously.

> Some of the icons are licensed as "Gemeinfrei, nicht-kommerziell"
> (public domain, excluding commercial use).

This "license statement" is confusing at best, but the intent is
clearly to create a non-free permission. Ouch!   :-(

> This violates DFSG no. 6, which
> requires a license to contain no discrimination against fields of endeavor.


> I've already contacted upstream about this issue. He intends to replace the
> icons as soon as better icons licensed under a free license are available.


Two comments:

 (A) the new file images/license_and_sources_of_icons.txt [1] also
states that several icons are "copied from the oxygen theme of kde" and
claims that oxygen icons are licensed under CC-by-sa-v3.0; this is
incomplete information, actually: as stated in the official oxygen icon
website [2], the oxygen icons are dual licensed under CC-by-sa-v3.0 and
GNU LGPL (v2.1 or later)

[1] I am reading

[2] http://www.oxygen-icons.org/?page_id=4

 (B) since the majority of the icons used by abtransfers come from the
KDE oxygen icon set, I wonder if abtransfers upstream developers could
ask oxygen icon designers [3] to create a few additional icons
(consistent with the oxygen theme and under the same dual-licensing
scheme) to represent the concepts currently depicted by the abtransfers
non-free icons...

[3] http://www.oxygen-icons.org/?page_id=16

> So,
> the purpose of this bug report is mainly to not hide the issue, and to track
> its progress publically.

Thanks for doing so.
I hope the issue may be fixed soon.


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