On 20111114@16:57, Didier Raboud wrote: > (Dropping Moritz and Nobuhiro from the CC list) > ... > Hi Michele, > > those files "timeout" from here. Can you maybe push them to > mentors.debian.net? > > > Since fim is the only Debian package I "manage" sporadically, and for me > > it's easy to forget everything, I have a repository to keep fim's packaging > > scripts/commands. This repository is at: > > https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-fim/ > > > > Do you have an Alioth account so I may grant you access to this pkg-fim > > repository ? This would help things a lot I would say. > > I don't want nor plan to get more involved in fim than "uploading what is > necessary to hav it build-depend on libjpeg-dev". So I'd be more than happy > to > review and sponsor it, but I don't want to get involved in the team, sorry.
Hi Didier, There is no fim team -- it's me programming fim, and that is is ok: I started fim for fun and it works well. But regarding Debian, I am simply not reliable for the task of good debianizing fim itself. I am a Debian user, but unfortunately I don't have currently the time to sustain a "quality" study of Debian to become good in making packages. However, for any person with serious Debian experience as any Debian maintainer, it would be a piece of cake to just see the fim debianizing scripts which already are on https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-fim/ and eventually tell me to what extent they are good or they are wrong. I think the fastest way to go here is to use the skills which one has -- I know how fim works, and you -- Debian. And please don't tell me that the 300 lines of code in the pkg-fim repository take too much time to read :) > ...
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