(Dropping Moritz and Nobuhiro from the CC list)

Le vendredi, 11 novembre 2011 10.00:51, Michele Martone a écrit :
> > Cheers,
> Hi Didier,
> thank you Didier for the sponsorship!

> I see that directory browsing permissions on my web server changed;
> the files, however, are still reachable; here they are:
> http://claudius.ce.uniroma2.it/~martone/tmp/fim_0.3-beta-prerelease-1.3.dif
> f.gz
> http://claudius.ce.uniroma2.it/~martone/tmp/fim_0.3-beta-prerelease-1.3_i3
> 86.changes
> http://claudius.ce.uniroma2.it/~martone/tmp/fim_0.3-beta-prerelease-1.3.ds
> c
> http://claudius.ce.uniroma2.it/~martone/tmp/fim_0.3-beta-prerelease.orig.t
> ar.gz

Hi Michele,

those files "timeout" from here. Can you maybe push them to 

> Since fim is the only Debian package I "manage" sporadically, and for me
> it's easy to forget everything, I have a repository to keep fim's packaging
> scripts/commands. This repository is at:
>  https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-fim/
> Do you have an Alioth account so I may grant you access to this pkg-fim
> repository ? This would help things a lot I would say.

I don't want nor plan to get more involved in fim than "uploading what is 
necessary to hav it build-depend on libjpeg-dev". So I'd be more than happy to 
review and sponsor it, but I don't want to get involved in the team, sorry.

By the way, without seeing the source package, I can already say that the 
version number is most probably wrong, as 0.3-beta-prerelease will sort 
"older" than 0.3. What you want is probably 0.3~beta0. The maintainer version 
(1.3) is also probably wrong as most usually, full numbers without dots are 
used. So all in all, you probably want something like 0.3~beta0-1.

Now the problem is that fim is already uploaded to Debian as 0.3-beta-
prerelease-1.2, where you should have used -2 after Moritz's upload.

Let's make this source package available to see what we want to do.



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